Scleral contact lenses are the newest class of contact lenses that we use. They are not really new as they have been around for decades. They have come back into use by the creation of new designs, materials and manufacturing capabilities hat have made them more practicable. They can be useful for the management of conditions that create corneal irregularity like keratoconus or pellucid marginal degeneration or post-surgical irregularity after ocular trauma, corneal transplants, or severe dry eyes. Patients that can’t be corrected to normal 20/20 vision can often benefit from these lenses.
Patients whom have been told they are poor candidate r who had had poor vision or comfort may now find that scleral lenses are the solution they may be looking for.
These large-diameter gas permeable (GP) lenses offer the same advantages that conventional GP lenses have compared with soft contacts, including: