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Refer-It-Forward FAQ

  • What is it?

    We know you have a choice, and thank you for selecting us at FYIdoctors

    As such a FYIdoctors have combined a patient referral and patient loyalty program that rewards both NEW patients and CURRENT patients

  • How does it work?

    For each CURRENT patient that refers a NEW patient to a FYi location, the CURRENT patient gets $25 .

    This is "uncapped", meaning patients can refer as many patients as they want and accumulate multiples of $25 (there is no maximum)To be used towards product only (including contact lenses, promotions, and value oers)

    Services and exams not included

    For each NEW patient that is referred to an FYi location by a CURRENT patient, the NEW patient gets $25 .

    A new patient is someone who has never been to any FYi location This is a one-time store credit that can be used at any location To be used solely towards product (including contact lenses, promotions, and value oers)

    Services and exams not included
  • How to receive rewards

    Current patients will receive "thank you" gift cards (in the format of a postcard worth $25 each that they can use towards eye wear) mailed to them from the practice each time they refer a new patient.

    Patients can collect as many $25 "thank you" postcards as they want (1 per referral) and use them at their discretion.

    For each NEW patient referred, the $25 the new patient receives is a ONE-TIME store credit.

    Coupons can be redeemed at any location. FYi referral credits are NON-TRANSFERRABLE